Privacy Policy

Disclaimer and Terms and Conditions For International Keratoconus Society
In signing up for the International Keratoconus Society, delegates agree to the following terms and conditions:
Your contact details will be used to compile a delegate list. If you are a speaker, your presentation documents (e.g., cases posted for discussion) may be loaded to the International Keratoconus Society or the associated website or provided to delegates to view after the event.
In addition, the Society will use your Contacts to send you announcements and messages related to the events.
Should you not wish for your details to be used for these purposes, don't hesitate to contact the International Keratoconus.
Photography and Recording
I irrevocably authorize and grant the International Keratoconus Society the right to:
Record me (picture and voice) on photographs, film, and/or videotape for audio and visual production. (the Recording).
Edit the Recording into a photo gallery / short film/webinar (which may include other recordings and material);
Use my name and likeness, voice, or additional information concerning me and
Screen or place the recording online (including on social media).
I hereby release the International Keratoconus Society from any infringement or violation of personal and/or property rights of any sort whatsoever based upon the Recording use.
I acknowledge that the International Keratoconus Society owns and shall own all rights, titles, and interests (including copyright) in the Recording.
I acknowledge that the International Keratoconus Society is not obliged to use the Recording.
I warrant that I have full power to enter into this Release and that its terms do not conflict with any existing commitment on my part.
I understand I will receive no money for this Recording.
While under no obligation to do so, the International Keratoconus Society will consider any reasonable request not to use or stop using a particular Recording. Such speakers' requests should be written to the International Keratoconus Society.
Should you not wish to grant the International Keratoconus Society these rights, don't hesitate to contact event organizers at least two weeks before the event.
2. Disclaimer
I. Registration
International Keratoconus Society provided the most recent information at the time of registration. The delegate and/or speaker accept that the event's content and/or delivery can change beyond the control of the International Keratoconus Society. International Keratoconus Society reserves the right to make changes in the program as it deems necessary without penalty. In such situations, the International Keratoconus Society will inform you 24 hours in advance.
II. Content
International Keratoconus Society cannot control all content published or disseminated at the events. You may find other delegates’, speakers’, or participants’ communications, graphics, audio files, or additional information inappropriate, offensive, harmful, inaccurate, dishonest, misleading, and/or deceptive. However, you alone are solely responsible for your interaction with other delegates. You agree to act responsibly and exercise caution, common sense, and safety while attending the event.
Committing any activities that fall under the name and definition of cybercrime is your responsibility alone, whether during the event or within the discussion group.
International Keratoconus Society shall not be liable for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims, or expenses arising out of or referable to the event.
Nevertheless, the International Keratoconus Society has the right to remove any comments, posters, or attachments that are inconsistent with the privacy policy and the terms and conditions, infringe on the freedoms of others, or offend their beliefs.
3. Registration
I. On behalf of - registration If a person is registering on behalf of a delegate/s, it is that person's responsibility to notify the delegate of the terms and conditions of registering, for which they will agree on behalf of the delegate. Responsibility also includes providing complete details of the delegate’s (s) registration details as confirmed.
II. Liability
Attending the International Keratoconus Society’s event is at your own risk. In no event shall the International Keratoconus Society be liable for any loss, cost, or expense suffered by any person (including accompanying persons, partners, or attendant caregivers).
Every effort will be made to conduct this event according to the schedule and dates posted. However unlikely, unforeseen circumstances may result in schedule changes. Registrants will be notified by email of changes 24 hours in advance.
No liability is assumed for inaccuracy, misdescriptions, delays, damaged or lost property, personal injury, terrorism, or death.
4. Conference Disclaimer
I. Recording
No part of International Keratoconus Society training courses (any event) may be recorded, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to video or audio recording, photograph, photocopy, or any other information storage or retrieval system is known now or in the future. International Keratoconus Society reserves the right to record sessions in digital format or otherwise and use these and their content in future events, publications, or broadcasts.
Moreover, each module/masterclass has its own terms and conditions that should be read before registration. The relevant terms and conditions will be very clearly available when you start the registration process and before paying the fees (if applicable).
II. Registration
A. Training course registration fee
If any training course or masterclass has fees, the registration fee will be charged regardless of when a participant attends the training courses.
B. Accompanying persons
All accompanying persons need to register separately and are charged the applicable fee under the same conditions as participants. Non-registered persons are not permitted under any circumstance.
C. Payment of fees
All training courses and function payments must be received before the training courses. If no payment has been received before the training course date, your registration will be invalid.
D. Cancellation & Substitution Policy
If, due to illness, accident, or other causes that are legally known as Acts of God, the International Keratoconus Society is forced to cancel training course(s), the registration payments should be paid back to trainees.
Registration payment is non-refundable. If, due to illness, accident, or other causes legally known as Acts of God, the Trainee is forced not to attend the training course during scheduled dates, the trainee should request the International Keratoconus Society’s approval to reschedule their training as per available dates.
Substitution applications for paid registrants may be made in writing, subject to the International Keratoconus Society’s approval.
E. Wrong Registration
If you register with the wrong email ID, you may face technical problems. Therefore, be sure to use the correct email ID throughout the class.
If you request fixing the wrong email ID, it is not guaranteed to be fixed, especially if it is used for payments.
5. Force Majeure
Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for any delay or default in performing hereunder if conditions beyond its control cause such delay or default, including, but not limited to, Acts of God, Government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of any export or other necessary license), wars, insurrections and/or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party whose performance is affected.
6. Recordings of Events and Webinars
All sessions and events conducted by the Society are recorded and/or streamed on YouTube.
If the recorded sessions are related to paid masterclasses/events, they will be uploaded only to the corresponding library so they are accessible to the relevant registrants. The recorded sessions will be available in the library until the Society announces a definite deletion date in advance.
6. Getting the certificates:
Paid Masterclasses provide accredited certificates. To get the certificates, the participant should go through the following route:
Step 1: The exam
The participant should sit for an online exam. The exam is monitored, so any attempt to record, search the web for answers, cheat, or stop the exam before you finish will not allow the participant any further effort to sit the exam.
Step 2: Survey
The participant should participate in a survey immediately when the participant submits the exam.
Step 3: The result
The result of the exam will appear on the participant’s page.
Step 4: Passing the exam
If the participant passes the exam, a certificate of “attendance and passing the exam” will be automatically issued to their page, and they will receive an accredited certificate within six weeks.
If they fail to pass the exam, only an " attendance " certificate will be issued to their page.
7. Requesting certificates and invoices:
The attendees can claim invoices and certificates up to ONE month from the end of any scientific activity; after that, it would not be possible for the support team to issue any invoice or certificate.